
Hetalia Corpse Party Chapter 1

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Literature Text

Hetalia Corpse Party
Chapter 1

Warning: Character death, sorrow, nightmares, lots of gore, I do not own Hetalia or any of the characters... I believe that's all.

Summary: It was supposed to keep them all friend's forever. It was a mindless game! Now they were fighting for their lives and their sanity in the cursed building of the first World summit building. Where the ancients held their meetings in their time. Friendships will be broken and lives will be lost. Will any of the nations ever see their land... Or each other again?

"So. When the few walked over to the door, it was like a decoration on the wall. They couldn't open it. The light blue figure was slowly gaining up on them. They had nowhere to go... When they could clearly see the figure, it appeared as a little girl. She was clearly an elementary school student. They were frozen in fear. When the little girl opened her mouth to speak... she had no tongue. They all let out a loud scream and that was the last of them... In the pouring rain... In the first world summit that was torn down and was replaced by this one!" England finished as he moved the candle away from his face. The allies except for Russia, and the Axis except for Germany were all shaking as England turned his back to the group.

"Was this all true England?" America asked as he tried to swallow the lump that made its way to his throat.

"Yes it is." England smiled as he blew out the candle leaving the meeting room completely dark. The only thing they could hear was footsteps coming closer to the door, slowly they heard it creak open with a light blue hue. Everyone jumped as they door opened all the way to a little girl. She walked up to England. Every last one of the nations screamed but stopped when they noticed both England and the girl laughing. They lights flicked on as New Zealand leaned himself against the door to keep himself from falling over. "I can't believe all of you fell for it!" England laughed so much his stomach hurt and he doubled over. "Owowowo." The little girl was the first to calm herself from laughing.

"I'm sorry, I'm Wy, a micro nation from Australia. You never met me because I'm too young to be at these meetings." Soon the fear turned to anger which was directed toward England. Then the anger turned to gloating and seeing how adorable Wy was." Soon the meeting room was filled with all the nations. They heard the screaming from the group and they all wanted to make sure that everyone was alright. While everyone was talking Romania looked at the ground and silently sobbed. Bulgaria smiled softly and rubbed Romania's back with his finger tips.

"Are you alright?" He softly whispered to the vampire nation. Romania tried to stop himself from making noise, he slightly nodded. Moldova whispered to Bulgaria.

"Romania's going to be replaced." Bulgaria jumped.

"How come!" He said this a bit too loud that everyone looked back at them.

Bulgaria with the help of Moldova helped explain what was happening to Romania. The ones who took it the hardest were England and Norway.

"How about we do this!" England took a pair of scissors and cut out a figure of a person. It's called 'satoshi ever after' charm!" He held it out, it was about two times the size of the nation himself. "Everyone hold onto it and say 'Satoshi if you please' as many times as there are nations here. It doesn't matter if you mess up but do not under any circumstances go back to fix it." They all grabbed a section of the figure and repeated the phrase over and over in their heads. "Okay everyone done?" They all nodded. "Okay, now we have to take it apart, we all need our own piece, so even if you have to dig your nails into it we have to rip it. Ready? Now!" The paper easily tore as all the nations and Micro nations tore it into pieces. "Now we keep this piece of paper with us where ever we go and we all will stay friends... No matter what happens." England smiled at Romania who blushed and he held onto the piece of paper tightly.

"Thank you." Romania said barely over a whisper as hot tears stained his pale face.

The power suddenly went out. The three Italians screamed as they jumped. Spain, Germany and Cipango held onto their right Italian as they tried to keep them from having a spaz attack and passing out. The room started to shake harshly.

"I think it's an earthquake!" Iceland called over the loud shaking he nearly screamed as he almost got hit by falling lights.

"Everyone! Get under the table!" Germany ordered as he pulled Italy under with him. The wooden floor started to splinter and groan under the pressure of the nations and the fore of the ground breaking apart outside. Soon large holes surrounded the group as the only thing they could see was darkness in the holes. The floor seemed to shift, tilt almost as everyone started to slide. The table was the first to fall into the dark abyss. Everyone now in a panic started to get away from the inclined plane. But Iceland was the unlucky one, the floor under him gave out as he started to fall. Norway quickly grabbed onto his wrist. The splintered wood at the edge dug painfully into his arm, breaking the skin as blood oozed out of the wound. Iceland gasped.

"Norway!" Iceland tried to pull himself up but with no use. The thirty degree angle the floor was in increaced to a forty degree making all of the nations start to slide again Denmark this time held onto Norway's waist surely so the two nations wouldn't fall to their deaths. The floor started to groan again as everyone silently prayed that they were not the ones on the weak spot on the floor. The three Nordic nations screamed as Denmark dangled with one hand holding onto the wood and the other holding onto Norway.

"Iceland, climb up me and Anko, if you don't you'll die." Norway ordered his brother, Iceland slowly nodded and did as he was told America helped Iceland the rest of the way up as he held his hand out.

"Hey Norway! Grab onto my hand!" America called out to the two. Denmark was clearly tired. sweat beaded on his forehead as his muscles hurt and complained by burning.

"You better do as he say's Norge, if you don't then you might die." Denmark's voice was somewhat strained.

"Let go stupid." Norway ordered as he hit Denmark in the arm that was holding him.

"Ow! You'll calling me stupid!" Denmark nearly snapped.

"I don't know if you two noticed but if you two don't stop fighting then you'll both die." France called after the two. The floor groaned and shook then the unexpected happened. The floor cracked right in two and everyone fell. Into the darkness. They were consumed with only one possible outcome that stuck in their heads they all knew that they were going to die. the screams of the nations were all suddenly quieted.
© 2013 - 2024 BossKdin
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